Home > Concrete Floor System > HTC Diamond Tools > PCD Tools for Concrete Floor Epoxy Removing (HTC-PCD2)
PCD Tools for Concrete Floor Epoxy Removing (HTC-PCD2)
PCD Tools for Concrete Floor Epoxy Removing (HTC-PCD2)
  • PCD Tools for Concrete Floor Epoxy Removing (HTC-PCD2)

  • item No : HTC-PCD2
  • PCD Number: 2

    Color: Golden (Can be customized)
  • Inquiry now

Detailed description

PCD Tools for Concrete Floor Epoxy Removing (HTC-PCD2)

• For removal of coatings 0-3mm
• 2 pcs of PCD segment per tool
• Suitable for HTC smaller grinders such as HTC 500 and below since fewer segments per tool means more weight and power into the floor.

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